Sunday, June 17, 2012

What after Death?


What after Death?

“Death is a mirror distorting the reflection of the Life it fronts.”

Simplicity of religious assertions is in no way a guarantee their true meaning will be aptly gauged by either their proponents, or opponents, or believers alike. One such scenario is the case of disparity amongst religious texts as to the life after death. But the ambiguity is not in the content matter describing the things to come after crossing the line of no return, but rather in understanding the true motive behind these lies that have been fed to human brains for over centuries. Let us take a very short and quick look at the two school of thoughts that follow death and thereafter.

According to one school of thought, death leads the soul to either the “Pearly Gates” or the “Prickly State”, popularly theorized as “Heaven” and “Hell” respectively. The basic premise here is; good deeds throughout your life will lead you to “Heavens” where you will enjoy all the bliss and fortune for eternity that you are required to shun during life. Bad deeds on the other hand lead you to the dreadful and dreary state of Mr. Devil, “The Hell”, where you are adequately roasted, fried, pierced, poked, sown and reaped, cut and dried, depending upon how industriously you relished the worldly charms in your spare time and otherwise on this Earth.

The second school of thought treats “Death” as a door to another life, whether plant, animal or human, once again depends upon your adventures in the current episode of “Life before Death”. Worst is, even if you end up a human in your next life, your life history, or rather life future, is governed by the mistakes or lack of them from your previous stint as two-legged-two-armed biological enterprise.

In simple terms, both schools of thought promote an ideal world full of moralists. It was a psychological protection the intelligent few of our race developed against the strongest few amongst us. The rest of us were just merely there to make the muster. But we all believed in it, toed the line laid down by the clergy.

But all this is what you already know! What new do I have to add to it?

Well, I want to take these beliefs to their next level, in an attempt to decipher their true messages, and also to convey one of my own. Let us take the first case scenario.

If you believe your actions will lead you either to “Heaven” or “Hell”, is there any reason for you to not do the right thing and make sure you end in “Heaven” only? Why live like slaves to a few, if you only live once? Why let someone snatch from you what rightfully belongs to you and suffer quietly, if you live only once? What gives anyone any right to dictate their terms and decide how you should live, if you are only going to live once? Don’t hurt others, but why let anyone hurt you if you only live once? If you really live only once, it becomes all the more important for you to live free and as equal citizens, and make sure you leave the world a better place to live in for our posterity. Our posterity has as much right to live in a free, better world as much we want it for ourselves.

Coming to the second version, if that happens to be the case, you still need to do the right thing so that you don’t end up suffering for the rest of your next life, not just because your actions determine your next life, but more so because your inaction could be equally detrimental to the future you might be living in. So basically, if there is something wrong with your present, you need to make sure you fix it so that in your next life, you don’t have to suffer. Do the right thing, never hurt others, but make sure your world is a better, equal and peaceful place to live in if you die tomorrow and are born as human beings again. Not only will your deeds be good but also, it will improve everyone’s life.

So friends, if there is something wrong with the society, it is your job to fix it. If something needs to be done that no one will do, it is your job to do it. If you are only going to live once, live free and as equal to anyone else, and if you are going to live twice, make sure you leave the society a place safe enough for your next life to be free and equal to everyone else.

Think carefully and then enjoy,
Fatal Urge Carefree Kissing “Amanpreet Singh Rai”


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