Dated: 30th March, 2012
Mr Malcolm Hyde,
The Commissioner,
South Australia Police,
Adelaide SA 5000
Subject: Regarding public introduction of “Always Shine Australia Party (ASAP)”, its’ guiding principle, aims, objectives and upcoming activities.
Dear Sir,
As President of “Always Shine Australia Party” I am pleased to share a party for the people and of the people, with the people of Australia.
This letter is a formal intimation to your esteemed department of the upcoming introduction of “Always Shine Australia Party (ASAP)”, its’ guiding principle, long term aims and short term objectives, and upcoming activities to the general population of Australia, upholding the true democratic traditions of Australia.
Starting in a couple of weeks time, I as the founding member of ASAP will start a door knocking campaign across metropolitan South Australia to share the above mentioned details with public and find like-minded citizens who would like to willingly join the ASAP. This activity will be undertaken upholding not only the true democratic principles the great Australian society is based upon, but also within the limiting constraints of a very adjusting and co-operative society.
As a part of professional measures to be adopted while under-taking such a big task, the Police Station of the area in which the door knock appeal is going to be under-taken will be informed twenty four hours in advance before every such door knock day. This will keep SAPOL in the loop as a part of effective public service and safety standards. A copy of proof of identity of ASAP members undertaking the door knock will be submitted alongside the letter of information. The members in addition will be required to display their current photo id prominently on their body during the course of the door knocking activity in the neighbourhood. The door knock will be undertaken only for a limited number of hours on a limited number of days of the week, both of which will be informed as a part of information letter to be provided to the respective Police station. The number of hours will be determined keeping in mind the convenience of the people, and also the daylight hours.
In addition, when starting the door knocking for a day, the starting time as well as the name(s) of the street will be publically notified via the ASAP’s official twitter page www.twitter.com/AsapAustralia, and so will be the ending time each day as also the names of the streets covered that day.
Looking forward to working in tandem with SAPOL and every other Police organization across Australia as ASAP strives to take Australia to the top of the world in every sense of the phrase.
Amanpreet Singh Rai,
Always Shine Australia Party (ASAP)
1/269, Henley Beach Road,
Brooklyn Park, SA 5032
Ph: 043 023 5589
Email: fatalurgecarefreekiss@yahoo.com
Website: www.fatalurgecarefreekiss.com
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