Sunday, February 28, 2016

The curious case of Feminism in a Democratic Court


The curious case of Feminism in a Democratic Court

“Familism: The future is not just about our daughters. It is also about our sons, and above all, us; the man and his wife. It is about balance, and not prejudices.”

The election season in a democracy can have a very disconcerting affect on things that may have nothing to with the political scene. It can sometimes not really be about the mileage one party can derive or the other party can lose, but it could also be about creating an emotional atmosphere inclined in a particular direction, for that could affect the choice of the unaligned voter; the game changer. But you might ask; what has elections got to do with this piece of writing? Well, that proves my point! But I’m sure this is not enough to answer your query. So let me get into the nitty-gritty.

I agree, even if it wasn’t the election season in the US, Kesha’s case would have received a similar level of attention, and a similar style of support. That’s how feminism has been working; loud male bashing, distorted one sided viewpoints, bullying and outshouting those who raise a valid counterargument, and above all, disconnecting public from reality and making them assume all kinds of things before they start thinking the same way as the feminists would want them to. So now that you get the premise of this writing, let me state what exactly I want to address in this article; the irreparable and deeply concerning damage this dangerous assault on the democratic court structure might cause. Self serving agendas have always been in vogue throughout the history of mankind, and have never been good in the long run!

No, this piece is not about how Kesha’s case is a contract case, and how she can very well terminate the contract and pay damages. Of course, unfortunately for her the damages would run into millions, with Dr. Luke already claiming an expense of $60 Million in creating the Kesha that everybody knows and loves today, and add to it, all the money her contract would generate now that her career has been firmly established. In contract law Court looks not only at the actual damage sustained, but also the damage that cannot be mitigated by finding a replacement. Now imagine getting out of a contract, signing another one that might be a hundred times better, and still ending up spending the rest of your life working hard to barely pay back the damages from the original one. No wonder she was seeking a termination from the court in a way that would let her out as an innocent party not liable to pay damages. But that is not what this article is about. This article is about the way Feminism is affecting the democratic nature of both our society as well as our court system, and about how it is doing nothing but making the society as bad as the male dominated society only except the order being reversed through legal means. But the worst is; this will affect democracy in ways that go much beyond the case of feminism.

Going through social media pages what concerned me the most was, the court didn’t find any merit in Kesha’s case, but feminists had already labelled an innocent man rapist. How is this different from the days when church would label women as witches, or when men would label women as sluts, without any proof? But that is not the worst part of it. The worst part is; this labelling can only be justified if everyone was to believe each and every allegation Kesha had levelled against the man, as absolute truth. What this means is; the man is a criminal unless he can prove his innocence. And I am sure this gives you an idea where this writing is headed to from here on. But let me add that this is not all that is wrong. Even worst; why would one believe mere allegations to be true unless those allegations are presented as a generalized scenario that this is what generally happens. The entire case of Kesha is based on the notion that men generally rape women, and every time a women calls out a man as a rapist, she has to be believed. Now imagine your sons growing up in such a world or for that matter if you are a man, finding yourself at the receiving end of baseless allegations of a woman due to a twist of fate or a political design.

“Believe all women” is the slogan feminists use to press their case against men, although there is nothing in the human history or psychology to suggest such should be the norm. Why not believe all men? Now before feminists start working their brains and listing reasons to answer my last question, let me remind them; all your reasons would be based on a generalization about the entire male population of the world, when they would actually be based on a handful of men. And before you say that all men are alike, let me remind you; every woman in this world knows more men than one, and it might include her own brothers and sons. And if that is not enough to answer your prejudices, let me remind you of how historically women have not only been used as honey traps by men, but have themselves willingly hunted men for their wealth and power; the gold diggers, and the trail of broken homes that they left behind. There have been known sluts, and I can use this word without offending every woman, for they all know this is the truth. Now going by your yardstick if no man can be believed because some are bad, then no woman should be believed too for some women are bad. Feminists are doing nothing, but exactly what men used to do in an earlier society. Is this advancement or return to the old days, albeit on the other side of the coin? While men used to discipline women through physical dominance, feminists are pushing to do the reverse through legal dominance.

Now as I already mentioned, the only reason to find against Dr. Luke in the current case is to believe everything Kesha has stated against him, not because she has presented any proof, but simply because feminists want us to accept their assertion; men generally do that. If this is the best argument to win the case, then imagine all the reasons for which one could be labelled a criminal without any proof. Today it is about women, tomorrow it would be about terrorism, day after political dissent. And I guess you know exactly where we are heading to.

The political powers are already in your telephone, your mobile, your emails, your messages. You are hooked to television which shows slick programs produced on mind staggering budgets, not even realizing they are produced by those who have the big money, and they are not just making the money back with interest, they are also making sure they have complete control of the medium you will refer to when elections would come. And that is not all! You have big corporations like Facebook trying to control your internet too, through great sounding social gifts like “Free Basics”. There are paid peer groups motivating discussion on social media sites like Twitter. Now in such an atmosphere, add a situation where you could be labelled a criminal by mere allegations levelled against you, and you having to prove your innocence. Are we really pushing our democracy forward, or pushing it way back to the time when the crown could get anyone in the public and label them a criminal unless they could prove otherwise? It is not just male rights; it is not just the rights of our sons that are at stake over here. The very future of our democracy is under threat in the light of this mindless assault by women who are motivated by a single prejudice; all men are bad and all women angels.

The very concept of a democratic justice system is based on the notion; one is innocent until proved guilty. This is to ensure that every person would get a fair trial. But feminists have been abusing media power to create prejudices against men, and alter the democratic justice system towards a dangerous direction. This directly affects not only the interests of our sons, but also of our daughters and ourselves, for it erodes the fabric of a democratic structure, rather than taking it forward in a positive direction. The feminists claim they want equal rights, but are rather intent on destroying the same. The future is about finding the balance of interests, of both our sons and daughters. The future should be viewed from the perspective of a complete family. Familism is the way forward!

Fatal Urge Carefree Kiss “Amanpreet Singh Rai”

P.S.: On a personal level, I am a man who wants a good wife. And tomorrow if I have a son, I want a good wife for him too, someone who can take care of him and his home. I am sure every mother would think the same for her son too. But feminism is not going to give any of us that. In fact this post script would have already offended all the feminists out there. So why should I as a man, support it?
