Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dhol Sounds - How to play Dhol

Dhol Sounds
“Bhangra is to music what spices are to food: It creates flavor.”
This quick write-up will help musicians globally in incorporating the great “Bhangra” sound to their music. This write up is based on what I have learnt after watching videos by youtube user “Howtoplaydhol” whose website and videos are a good source to learn dhol, and will be referenced here.
ð Basic Dhol sounds:
The two sticks used to produce sound with a Dhol, namely Dagga (Bass stick) and Tilla (Treble stick) produce their own distinct sounds, as well as a couple of combination sounds. Here’s the list:
a)    Dagga Sounds: (All eighth notes)
1.    Ge (Main bass sound)
2.    Gir (Muted bass sound) [The name Gir may not be technically correct, but if you watch the videos on the same you will know]
3.    Click Sound (Produced by hitting the drum with the bass stick, either at the edge of the bass end, or anywhere along the length of the drum, i.e. not on the skin)
b)   Tilla Sounds: (All eighth notes)
1.    Na (Treble sound produced by hitting the outer portion of the treble skin) Na-Na is the sixteenth note combination.
2.    Ghir-Ghira or Ghira (Treble sound produced by hitting the middle portion of the treble skin, while you use your fingers to press the middle part of the stick to the skin, thus giving a double sound)
c)    Combination sounds: (All eighth notes)
1.    Dha (When you make Ge and Na sounds together, i.e. at the same time)
2.    Kin (When you make Ghir and Na sounds together, i.e. at the same time)
ð Basic Dhol rhythm:
The basic dhol rhythm that you will hear in Bhangra songs, much like the 4/4 beat of house music, is called “Chaal”. The basic “Chaal” notes pattern is:
Dha Na Na Na Na Dha Dha Dha Na (Eighth notes)
This pattern is repeated over and over, and variations can be used.
ð Other Dhol rhythms:
In addition to Chaal, there are some other rhythm patters that can be used:
1.    Dhamal
2.    Gidha or Lehriya
3.    Bhangra
4.    Mummy-Daddy (According to “Howtoplaydhol” this should be the first one to be mastered as it helps develop hand co-ordination)
5.    Jhummer
6.    Haripa
7.    Laggi (Continuous playing of a pattern of strokes)
8.    Sami
The patterns and variations for these can be had from “Howtoplaydhol” videos, and via his website mailing list. I am not promoting him, but it’s my gratitude to the efforts of this guy for making Dhol so simple.
ð Dhol fills:
Three kinds of Dhol fills are used to introduce Dhol rhythm, to break up the monotony of the Dhol rhythm, and to close the rhythm. Which one you choose will depend upon the song you are playing to, that is, your expertise with the rhythms. The fills are of three types:
1.    Breaks and Thoras (e.g. Na Rest Dha Na Dha Na Dha Rest)
2.    Rolls (e.g. Ge Na Ge Na Ge Na Na)
3.    Tirkit (which is, in sixteenth notes, Na Na Ge Na, but is played with Take, which is, again in sixteenth notes, Na Ge. An example of the pattern would be Dha Dha Tirkit Dha Take Tirkit)
Once again, variations can be created.
ð How to create variations:
Generally variations are created by replacing Dha at the beginning of a loop with a Na or Kin when the loop is repeated, or replacing Na with Dha towards the end of the loop, in alternate fashion, if it connects well with another Dha at the beginning of the repeat, or with another Dha in the original loop. However, if it sounds musically good, any sound can replace any other sound anywhere, as long as the pattern is going to be repeated as a rhythm, or is a Dhol fill.
This is a very basic article which I have written to simplify “Dhol”. The best suggestion I can give is to go and watch “Howtoplaydhol” videos, and possibly subscribe to his website newsletter.
Fatal Urge Carefree Kiss “Amanpreet Singh Rai”

Friday, January 4, 2013

"Peace Makers Global" Pamphlets for distribution in January 2013

Peace Makers Global
Hi everyone,
I would like to introduce a soon to be global phenomenon that I am lucky to lay the foundation stone of right here in Adelaide, the “Peace Makers Global”.
This organization will work with global communities on a lot of common issues, and also locality specific issues. It will have chapters all over the world, for example, “Peace Makers New Delhi”, “Peace Makers New York”, “Peace Makers Patiala”, “Peace Makers Manilla” etc. The organization’s chapters will begin on a voluntary basis, but once the funding is streamlined, proper offices will be set up and staff hired for various works. The organization will work with underprivileged sections of developing and under-developed societies on one hand, and help developed societies deal with issues affecting their societies on the other.
As a start, I am establishing “Peace Makers Adelaide” and the first activity I intend to take is “Legal Education and Aid” for weaker sections of the society. Once the Adelaide Chapter gets off the block, similar chapters will be established in other major Aussie cities, and subsequently globally. The work that I intend to start with will involve following:
1.    People from weak economic backgrounds with no resources to hire legal representatives in courts will not only be given legal guidance, but also basic education in law in short and crisp weekend lectures, and will also be given topic specific education related to their matter of interest.
2.    People will be provided with a legal assistant when they will represent themselves in court to seek justice or defend innocence.
3.    I intend to co-ordinate with universities across Australia that provide correspondence courses in law, to develop basic curriculum for these classes.
4.    Guest lecturers will be invited on voluntary basis, and subsequently hired once the organization is set up on firmer grounds.
5.    To help victims of injustice cope with depression, social activities will be organised on weekends, to promote socializing and help make the people feel a part of a group.
The following website name has already been registered, and as soon as I get help, it will be up and running too:
“Always Shine Australia Party”
If I was to name just one Aussie who’s inspired me the most, I will have no hesitation in naming “Father of Federation Sir Henry Parkes”. His foresight and efforts that ultimately gave birth to “Australia” have inspired me to be the first person to propose a federation of the world. “Global Citizenship” is something I want to leave behind as our generation’s legacy to this world. Not a one man’s job indeed!
“Always Shine Australia Party” was established on principles of “Equalism” which will promote an equal yet a dynamic society with huge scope for individual growth. I want the Aussies to take care of it while I will take care of “Vijayi Veer Vishesh India Party”. I want people all over the world to set up similar parties, so that we all can work together, not only to make our own motherlands even more wonderful, but also prepare them for subsequent “Global Federation”. The current systems of “Communism” as well as “Capitalism” are both anti-social systems, contrary to the interest of the majority population. “Equalism” is the common ground between the two, and has been specifically designed keeping the future in mind. More details have been shared via various write-ups I’ve written that are available via the Politics page of my artist website:
Honestly, we all have at some stage judged a man and his genius by the colour of his skin, the locket hanging by his neck, or the sex of their partner (I was guilty of this vice until I realized through personal experience how important equality is, and why it is important to discourage discrimination). But have we ourselves done or achieved anything for our societies? Neither is a genius restricted to one demographic, nor does a genius’ work benefits only one section. I may or may not be a genius, but my work will benefit everyone, be it brown, black, yellow or white, be it straight or gay, or be it a Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist. More details are available in a letter I’ve written to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of South Australia, also available via the politics page of my artist website above.
An important case I am fighting
I am contesting a very trifling matter of parking on yellow line (Singh Vs Holdfast Bay City Council). The appeal is listed to be heard by the Supreme Court on 17th January, 2013 in the Chief Justice’s court. The matter was petty but the issue has become really significant for what I am trying to achieve through it. I am trying to make justice more readily available to weaker sections of the society, and if the court sees my logic I will succeed in doing so.
Many people don’t defend their innocence and accept guilt even when they are not, because of lack of funds to hire a lawyer, and if they represent themselves and fail, they will have to pay court costs to the other party. In my case, a lawyer refused to represent me unless I gave $3000 in advance, and on self representation I ended up making $80 into nearly $3000. For a hard-working man like me $3000 was never more than a month and a half’s saving, but does this mean a poor man should not defend his innocence but rather accept a crime he didn’t commit? Should he be forced to live forever with an injustice, just because he cannot buy justice? We are not living in Medieval Times. This is Democracy where everyone is equal and has an equal right to justice.
Legal costs are not the same as exemplary damages, which are a punishment for a crime. Legal costs have rather become a punishment for seeking justice. What I am doing now, the lawyer community should have done it a long time ago.
You may wish to support me or not, but my work is too important to be left unfinished. I will continue alone if I have to. But as I said, it is not a one man’s job. So let us start the future of the world “Peace Makers”. Call me, “Aman Rai”, on +61 43 023 5589.